Friday, April 16, 2010

The Butt Incident

I feel obligated every so often to remind myself and everyone else that this blog tends to become an outlet for frustrations and hardships, so it is not a fair indicator of my happiness (and sanity) level throughout the year. As such, I figured I would take the time on this amazingly beautiful Friday to explain the happy and ridiculous things that happened today.

Since today was our last review day for CST material, I made a big show about how amazingly, incredibly excited I am that they are taking the test in the next two weeks and that they are going to be more prepared than they ever have been, so they should get excited too... to which they replied that I am crazy and have a horrible sense of humor (but they laughed, which I pointed out). Despite their reaction, I had more than a handful of students saying to me that they'll probably skip school on some of the CST days, but they'll be sure to be at school for the math test. I told them that I was about to tear up. At least I know they're going to try. Showing up is often the hardest part for them.

Of course, that was Geometry. Algebra has quite a different dynamic; so much so that today I heard from another teacher that students in my class have been taking pictures of my butt on their cell phones when I'm not looking. Since I have no idea which students they are (ALL the students have cell phone problems), I'm just not going to draw attention to the situation and hope it passes. I thought we were done with the whole crush-on-your-teacher thing when they found out that it was not going to help their grade whatsoever. Maybe it's just because of my giddy Friday mood, but I thought the whole thing was pretty funny. It probably won't be as funny when I catch them doing it in class. I'll probably have to scare them with a whole sexual harassment lecture. Until then...

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