Monday, October 26, 2009

I Don't Even Know What to Say

Today I realized what it's like for these kids to try and focus on school when there are bigger things going on. These are not the articles I would have liked to have read upon making it to school this morning:

Up until now, it just seemed like everything was a little crazy and disorganized. I feel so naive to have thought that even here, this kind of shit would not happen. The girl is not in one of my classes, but is in our Academy, so she's in all my team teachers' classes. The worst part is that the girl is a special education student, and I am already considering which of my own special education students could fall victim to the same thing. Today's team meeting was a somber one, especially considering the fact that for the Teach For America teacher across the hall, not only is the victim a student of hers, but the arrested suspect is a past student of hers. I had one kid taken from my class today for questioning, so even I couldn't focus today, let alone my students.

The whole thing is horrific, but on top of that, I had several students expressing how upset they were that the event has been made out to be a Richmond High School issue instead of a Richmond community issue, and how the news made the students seem emotionless to the event. Apparently the students were referring to news interviews of parents of primarily white East Bay high schools. Contrary to popular opinion, not all of our students are part of Richmond gangs. That being said, the end of the quarter is this Friday and I wish there was a way I could get my hands on a list of all gang-affiliated students in my class, because right now I really just want to give all of them failing grades.

1 comment:

  1. Scott -

    In reading your blogs, a few thoughts come to mind:

    1. Be thankful, every day for your parents, your brothers and sister and for the love with which you were raised.
    2. Life is hard, very hard, in many parts of the world, including the US.
    3. You are learning a lot. Take it in, even the bad.
    4. You can NOT make people learn, think or act in ways they should. You can assist, prepare, suggest and provide opportunities. Your satisfaction must come from creating your own process on finding ways to motivate, encourage and provide inspiration. Create opportunities to give yourself credit for the approach, not always the results.
    5. You can solve it all, so find what you can solve and realize that small wins are actually large victories.
    6. Be careful and be smart.


