Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The fact that this is the second post in two days can only mean one thing: today was another crazy day.

First of all, I think I've figured out that the reason why so many people around here are put off by Seattle rain is because they think that Washington rain is the same as California rain. Wrong. California rain comes in storms, with winds that toss your car around on the way to work and an amount of water that floods the streets of Oakland. It's a rain that makes a good percentage of students not come to school...

So anyway, midway through first period today, the power went out, which is not a big deal unless your classroom doesn't have any windows... like all of the classrooms at Richmond High. I was only glad it was pitch black as I was embarrassingly feeling my way across the class to where I thought my desk was so that I could feel my way through the drawers to find the emergency flashlight that I had organized so well that now I couldn't find it.

After finding the flashlight we sat around as a class for two hours without power, moving from the classroom to the commons and losing track of my students one by one. In the end a pretty big amount of students just left to go home, and if I could have, I would have joined them. The boredom was only briefly delayed by a hilarious conversation with my students about how to spell my last name - keeping in mind that my name has been on the back whiteboard since day one and all the students say it all the time. I thought I had heard and seen every possible spelling, but this one takes the cake. Evelyn was positive that her first period Geometry teacher was Mr. Bretto. Unfortunately that one might stick for a while... at least until I make a test question that asks them to spell their teacher's name.

More California rain tomorrow!

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